
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hello people !
haha , i'm finally back ! just want to do the quiz tagged by jiahui and jamie (: haha ~
♥ name a friend from A to Z !!

A: Amelia
B: Benjamin
C: Chin ting
D: Daryl
E: Ernest
F: Father !
G: Gina
H: Hazel
I: ------
J: Jamie
K: Kenneth
L: Linming
M: Mitchell
N: Nicholas
O: Ong shu leng
P: Priscilla
Q: ------
R: Renette
S: Stella
T: Ting feng
U: Uni-ball
V: Vivian
W: Wei chuan
X: Xin hui
Y: Yunqi
Z: Zhi xian

1. can R and S be together in BGR ? ( renette & stella )
um , they don't even know each other . o:
2. how is L related to you ? ( linming )
friends ;D
3. does Y know Z ? ( yunqi & zhi xian )
nope !
4. if C betrays you , will u kill her ? ( chin ting )
haha , she will not one , trust me :P
5. if K steals your boyfriend , what will you do ?( kenneth )
come on lahh , he's a boy . go snatch another boy for what ??
6. if B tells you he have a crush on you , what will u do ? ( benjamin )
that will not happened :]
7. will/ did you and M get into a fight ? (mitchell )
so far not yet , but who knows ...
8. who does K have a crush on ? (kenneth )
no idea , ask him (:
9. if L calls you a bitch , what will u do ? ( linming )
oh , scold him back ??
10. what's the relationship between u and E ? ( ernest )
friends !
11. who does Z like ? ( zhi xian )
how would i know ;D
12. who is I's best friend ? ( ------ )
wah ! dots ?
13. what colour does Y like ?
don't know
14. where does F live ? ( father )
under the same roof as me !!
15. did you and C have a fight before ? ( chin ting )
nope , we don't fight (:
16. who is H's best friend ? ( hazel )
don't know :D
17. what can u say about T ? ( ting feng )
he is a boy !
18. if J tells you she have a crush on you ? (jamie )
hoho , that will never happen .. ;P
19. tag 10 people to do this quiz

1. anyone
2. anyone
3. anyone
4. anyone
5. anyone
6. anyone
7. anyone
8. anyone
9. anyone
10. anyone

Whew , done ! Oh, and i'm feeling hyper today ! Haha (: Went out with my mom and sis this morning , bought lots of stuffs . Very long never go on shopping spree already , haha . And there's wushu training tmr . I DON'T FEEL LIKE GOING FOR TRAINING !! It is so boring . Okay , thats all , byebye ~

what we could have been, 3:39 AM.


Oh hellos~ i'm Yanting,age 12x} Once a eastprians,currently a nasians.

▪ Good results
▪ the 13th birthday
Sorry, but not linking~
February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.